It’s in the name…

When I originally started this blog, about 4 months ago, I was fairly convinced that I would post maybe twice and then forget about it altogether. I’ve always liked the ideas of journals and blogs, but I could never keep up with one for very long. For the most part this was true of this blog. I did a few things in the first couples days and then it stayed untouched for months.

So what’s changed…not too much, and it could be this is only a second short-lived revival. That being said, I did decide to give another go at the blog because in the end it’s for my own benefit. I have done a few projects since October, some of which I have given away. I’m still very much a beginner, and each project is its own struggle. I like to document these struggles, take pictures, and celebrate when I’m able to complete them with a measure of success. So far I’ve mostly been doing this through photos – picture 1 – just starting, picture 2 – part way there, picture 3 – finished…. you get the idea. While the pictures are a good start, it fails to capture what I was going through or trying to accomplish. It also fails to capture where I got the idea, or a link to the pattern or blog.

So given all that, I decided this new start at the blog merited a new name. One that had a little more thought it to it than let me translate crochet in to another language. Lame. It’s not the coolest blog on the block, but it sums it all up nicely. Unraveled Stitches encompasses my crocheting thus far…a lot of attempts, mess-ups and unraveling of stitches; whole skeins-worth at times.

New theme – check, new name – check…let’s get started!

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